Watch: Strange Sight Dots Ponds as Big Freeze Hits Alligator Country

Watch: Strange Sight Dots Ponds as Big Freeze Hits Alligator Country


Alligator wrangler Gary Saurage shared a TikTok video showing what his reptile pond looked like after a freeze recently hit Beaumont, Texas.
Saurage runs an alligator park and rescue called Gator Country Adventure Park.
“The ice is gone, and look what happened to the alligators,” Saurage said. “They’re out today; it’s 51 degrees, they’re out sunning, you can look around the pond — everyone’s coming back to life.

“I’ll tell you what guys, that was rough. When I tell you that 7 degrees that we had was really tough on the alligators, it really was. Everybody looks healthy; it’s all good in the gatorhood,” Saurage said.

@gatorcountrytx All the alligators and the rep …

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